
2731 straipsnių

Vladislav Inozemtsev

These days mark two and a half years since the start of Kremlin’s aggression against Ukraine – and almost the same time has passed since the introduction of restrictive measures against Russia that had soon turned it into the world’s most san­ctioned nation.

President Gitanas Nausėda, together with the leaders of Estonia, Latvia and Poland, has addressed President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and President of the European Council Charles Michel in a letter urging the European Union (EU) to protect its borders with Russia and Belarus, ...

At a meeting in Palanga on Wednesday ministers of defence of the Baltic States agreed that in the face of the Russian aggression in Ukraine, it was critical to continue the trilateral cooperation thus strengthening collective deterrence and defence, while the Baltic solidarity had to be stronger tha...

Детектор лжи
Правда ли, что в Финляндия страдает экономически из-за насаждаемой властями русофобии?

Белорусский новостной портал опубликовал в соцсети Threads новость со ссылкой на Министерство иностранных дел России о том, что якобы в Финляндии из-за русофобской политики останавливаются промышленные предприятия, и рушится экономика. Разбираем, почему это – манипуляция.