
730 straipsnių

Latvia (/ˈlɑːtviə/ or /ˈlætviə/; Latvian: Latvija [ˈlatvija]), officially the Republic of Latvia (Latvian: Latvijas Republika), is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. Since its independence, Latvia has been referred to as one of the Baltic states. It is bordered by Estonia to the north, Lithuania to the south, Russia to the east, and Belarus to the southeast, and shares a maritime border with Sweden to the west.

Karolis Broga

Additional military equipment and vehicles have arrived in Latvia from Canada, Latvian Minister of Defence Andris Spruds announced via social network X on Monday, also showing photos of multiple armoured fighting vehicles unloaded in a port.

В 2024 году банкe SEB в странах Балтии изменит модель управления сетью банкоматов – присматривать за банкоматами и управлять ими будет компания Brink‘s. Новая модель управления позволит обеспечить услуги высокого класса и позволит банку сосредоточиться на консультировании клиентов и создании новых у...

In the fourth quarter of 2023, house prices, as measured by the House Price Index, fell by 1.1% in the euro area and rose by 0.2% in the EU compared with the same quarter of the previous year. In the third quarter of 2023, house prices fell by 2.2% and 1.1% in the euro area and EU, respectively. The...

Karolis Broga

In February 2024, compared with January 2024, wholesale electricity price in Lithuania was by 36% lower and stood at EUR 74.78/MWh. Electricity price in Latvia dropped by 36% to EUR 74.78/MWh, while in Estonia it dropped by 40% to EUR 75.52/MWh.