
279 straipsnių

Karolis Broga

Minister of Education, Science and Sport Gintautas Jakštas on Tuesday intends to hand in his resignation to Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė. The move comes amid numerous issues with midterm exams in schools. He wanted to step down earlier, but the prime minister refused to accept the resignation.

Karolis Broga

The Lithuanian Education Employees’ Trade Union (LŠDPS) will resume its teachers’ strike on Tuesday. Teachers on a walkout plan to observe a parliamentary sitting in which the 2024 budget will be approved.

Karolis Broga

The National Education Agency (NŠA) has announced that approximately 1,900 education employees, of them around 1,690 teachers, resumed their strike on Wednesday morning.

Karolis Broga

The Lithuanian Education Employees’ Trade Union (LŠDPS) has submitted to the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport its proposals on teachers’ wage raise. The trade union launched a strike on 29 September when an agreement was not reached with the Government on higher salaries for teachers.