Social Democrats

92 straipsnių

Daiva Žeimytė-Bilienė, laida „Iš esmės“, parengė Virginija Spurytė

Influential German politicians have acknowledged that the war in Ukraine, which has been going for over a year now, finally made them understand Russia and the threat it poses, and now they are ready to help Ukraine expeditiously. “Now, no one can blame us for being slow,” the guests said.


The opposition Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats (conservatives) and the ruling Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union (LFGU) top the popularity list of parties, shows a poll conducted for news portal by Spinter Tyrimai (Spinter Surveys) pollster.


With the Seimas election already this weekend, the latest poll data shows that three parties are currently neck and neck in the electoral race. The Social Democrats (LSDP) have managed to maintain a lead, but it is a tenuous one with both the Peasant Greens (LVŽS) and Conservatives (TS-LKD) in close...