Leader of the Liberal Movement Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen is sceptical about the new Government’s intentions to devise new ways to monitor food prices and prevent their unjustified hikes. She believes that this way the new ruling coalition is trying to show to voters that it is fulfilling its electio...
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In December 2024, against November, prices for consumer goods and services increased by 0.2%, the State Data Agency said in press release on Thursday.
In November, the cheapest grocery basket in Lithuanian supermarkets rose by 2.9% (EUR 1.92) in price on average from a month earlier. The annual increase was 6.3% or EUR 4.08, the Pricer.lt price comparison website said on Tuesday.
The incoming Government’s programme includes a provision that authorities may supervise food prices if needed, speaker of the Seimas of Lithuania Saulius Skvernelis told the media Wednesday.
SSP, a leading global food and beverage operator, has secured a seven-year deal to open six new outlets at Vilnius Airport. This marks SSP’s entry into the Lithuanian market, Lithuanian Airports said in a press release.
Economics Minister Viktors Valainis (Greens/Farmers) is evaluating five possible solutions to reduce food prices, the minister’s spokeswoman Katrina Iļjinska told LETA.
A video showing eggs made from plastic has been going viral on social media. Those who shared the video claim that China aims at flooding the food market with fake eggs. „Lie Detector“ explains why this is not true.
Social media users concerned about the ingredients of food products are sharing a video allegedly depicting the production of plastic rice. „The Lie Detector“ has found out that the video actually portrays something different.
A theory circulating on social media claims that foods bearing the little green frog logo contain iRNA vaccines and, what it is more, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is allegedly behind this. „Lie Detector“ explains what these labels really mean and why none of these claims is true.
Social media is actively circulating false information about plans to replace the majority of traditional table salt with a synthetic "salt substitute" containing mRNA chemicals. It is claimed that billionaire Bill Gates is also involved in the development of this salt substitute.
Japanese company Saisei LT is making steps to build a plant that would manufacture food supplements in Alytus after opening a medical clinic in Vilnius, the Verslo Žinios business news website reported Monday.
In February 2024, against January, prices for consumer goods and services increased by 0.7%, the State Data Agency reports. This was mainly influenced by an increase in prices recorded for fuels and lubricants, electricity, catering services of restaurants, cafés and the like, package holidays, main...
According to estimates, one Lithuanian citizen generates about 41 kilograms of food waste a year. The member states of the European Union (EU), including Lithuania, have to separate kitchen and food waste from the general municipal waste. Even though the majority of Lithuanians were ordered to do so...
January is known for its vegan trend, or Veganuary, when people do not eat meat and animal products during this month. The organizers of Veganuary claim that it helps to save water and forests as well as decrease carbon emissions. Is Veganuary popular in Lithuania and what are its benefits? Austeja ...
Today, probably no one questions the importance of a balanced diet, however, hardly anyone pauses to think about how to build healthy eating habits in a sustainable and eco-friendly way. Nevertheless, there will come a time, when ignoring environmental concerns will no longer be an option. So, why n...
Возмущение в связи с тем, что группа Vičiūnai по-прежнему продает свою продукцию в Литве, прикрываясь другими брендами, не стихает. Выяснилось, что некоторые продукты этой компании продают также в сетях Norfа и Rimi.
На прошлой неделе появилась информация о том, что продукция компании Vičiūnai, которую бойкотируют за деятельность в России, в литовских магазинах прячется под частными брендами. 14 ноября с Delfi связалась читатель, которая заметила то же самое в магазинах сети Lidl – там компания, принадлежащая гр...
In October, the cheapest grocery basket in Lithuanian supermarkets fell by 3.4% (EUR 2.35) in price on average from a month earlier. The annual decrease was 9.5%, the Pricer.lt price comparison portal said on Tuesday.
How often do you wonder about the impact your diet has on your health? Dietitian Rugile Leimonaite said that most people firstly think about healthy eating in terms of body weight and only then in terms of health indicators and emotional health. According to her, such prioritization is wrong, becaus...
Lithuania’s annual inflation fell to 8.2 percent in June, according to a provisional estimate based on the harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP) from the State Data Agency.