Farmers and Greens Union

75 straipsnių

Justina Vaišvilaitė–Braziulienė

The latest public opinion poll shows growing support for incumbent President Gitanas Nausėda in the 2024 presidential elections. Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė continues to follow, with a similar number of votes as a month before.

Karolis Broga

The Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) would secure the most votes in parliamentary elections, a poll published by the daily Lietuvos rytas indicates. The Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrat party (TS-LKD) meanwhile dropped from the second to fourth spot in one month.

Karolis Broga

The Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrat party (TS-LKD) is still the most popular in Lithuania, but the approval rating of the Government has decreased, shows the latest poll commissioned by the news website Delfi.