
641 straipsnių

Estonia (Estonian: Eesti [ˈeːsʲti]), officially the Republic of Estonia (Estonian: Eesti Vabariik), is a country in Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland with Finland on the other side, to the west by the Baltic Sea with Sweden on the other side, to the south by Latvia (343 km), and to the east by Lake Peipus and Russia (338.6 km).

According to Statistics Estonia, the average gross monthly wages and salaries in the first quarter of 2023 were 1,741 euros, which is 13.3% higher than at the same time last year. The median wages, however, were 1,424 euros. The average real wages in the first quarter of 2023 were 1,443 euros, 3.2% ...

The Estonian government announces it has approved its action programme for 2023–2027, which sets out the activities, responsibilities, and terms for implementing the objectives of the coalition agreement between the Estonian Reform Party, Estonia 200, and the Estonian Social Democratic Party.

Parengė Vytautė Merkytė

1994 metų rugsėjo 28 d., apie 1 val. 20 min. nakties, per garsiakalbius pasigirdo tylus estiškai kalbančios moters balsas: „Häire, häire, laeval on häire“ (liet. aliarmas, aliarmas, laive aliarmas). Iškart po to ėmė veikti vidinis aliarmo signalas kelto įgulai, o dar po minutės – visame kelte žviegė...

Айсте Жебраускене

В июне 19 литовских компаний платили среднюю зарплату больше 10 000 евро, а две компании в среднем платили зарплаты больше 20 000 евро. Такие данные можно найти на сайте Фонда социального страхования ("Содры"). В списке есть и компании литовского капитала.