Aistė Meidutė

19 straipsnių

Wars, thefts, and break-ins – all this is happening not only in the real world, but also on the internet. The growing amount of fake news as well as information and cyberattacks have seemingly become the new normal. However, ignoring or getting used to this is not an option. How to protect yourself ...

Aistė Meidutė, Delfi „Melo detektoriaus“ redaktorė, spalio 17 d. Strasbūre, dalyvavo renginyje „Safeguarding Media Freedom: the role of the European Union“ (liet. „Žiniasklaidos laisvės saugojimas: ES vaidmuo“). Renginyje, po audringų diskusijų apie Europos žiniasklaidos laisvės akto siūlymus ir žur...

Gabija Zdanytė

Almost everyone enjoys the benefits of the Internet and social networks in their lives, but not everyone is aware of the risks and problems they may bring. And one of the most serious problems is the rapid spread of the so-called fake news that not only mislead thousands, but also create and feed my...