Iron Sword

20 straipsnių

Vaidas Saldžiūnas

US Marines are rare guests in Lithuania. However, this year among those several hundred, who participated in international exercise Iron Sword 2016, one met a Marine colonel, who impressed locals not only by his impressive height and stern look, but also with his name and fluent Lithuanian language ...

On 10 November, United States Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy and Environment Katherine Hammack, Deputy Commanding General of U.S. Army in Europe Major General Walter E. Piatt and a delegation visited Exercise Iron Sword 2014 at the General Silvestras Žukauskas Training Are...

On 4 November active phase of the multinational military exercise Iron Sword 2014 began at the Gaižiūnų Training Range and the General Silvestras Žukauskas Training Range. The Training Audience from 9 NATO member states began training offensive and defensive operations in two major training areas of...

Soldiers from nine NATO nations and military equipment are being brought to Lithuania, where two military training grounds will host this year's biggest military exercise event, Iron Sword 2014. The exercise, starting this weekend and organized by the Lithuanian army, will involve some 2,500 soldier...