Seimas elections

226 straipsnių


The political corruption scandal has undermined voter confidence in the Liberal Movement, while the trust in the ruling Labour Party and the Order and Justice party has also declined, shows the latest public opinion poll published in Lietuvos Rytas daily on Saturday, while the popularity of the Anti...

LT Daily, Media Briefing

Seimas electoral debates are to go on for four weeks leading up to the October Seimas elections. Politicians are to debate on the topics of economics, demographics, justice and social politics. The debate this time included representatives from the Order and Justice Party (TT), Lithuanian Green Part...

the Lithuania Tribune, LRT

Winds of tolerance and human rights appear to be blowing in the run up to the Seimas elections. A highlight of a Tuesday discussion at the Loftas venue, organised by the initiative “Žinau, ką renku” (I know who I’m voting for), was Seimas candidate responses to the question of LGBT rights, with the ...