
59 straipsnių

Karolis Broga

Only 1% of Lithuanian residents think that the country’s economic situation improved recently, while as many as 78% feel that the economic situation has deteriorated, a poll published by the news website Delfi shows. The respondents were also asked how their household’s financial situation changed a...

Денис Кишиневский

В конце февраля приложение Clubhouse стало одним из самых обсуждаемых в русском электронном пространстве. Пользователи искали возможность попасть в закрытую соцсеть, где можно побеседовать вживую с Илоном Маском и Марком Цукербергом, Олегом Тиньковым и Михаилом Ходорковским, а уже зарегистрированные...

Lithuanians have a positive view of the European Union's existing anti-pandemic measures, but 65 percent of the country's residents would like the EU to have more powers to tackle the pandemic, and 44 percent would want more funds, a new survey commissioned by the European Parliament shows.