
271 статей

Vilniaus universitetas, Gyvybės mokslų centras

Geriausiu ir prestižiškiausiu pasaulyje pripažįstamame mokslo žurnale „Science“ buvo publikuotas Vilniaus universiteto Gyvybės mokslų centro (VU GMC) vyriausiojo mokslo darbuotojo dr. Gintauto Tamulaičio tyrimų grupės straipsnis „Ribosomal stalk-captured CARF-RelE ribonuclease inhibits translation f...

Karolis Broga

The Lithuanian Education Employees’ Trade Union (LŠDPS) has submitted to the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport its proposals on teachers’ wage raise. The trade union launched a strike on 29 September when an agreement was not reached with the Government on higher salaries for teachers.

Karolis Broga

The Lithuanian School Student Union (LMS) on Tuesday signed a cooperation agreement with a teachers’ trade union, which is planning a strike. They have agreed that if teachers’ demands are not met, then a march will take place on 29 September from schools of striking teachers to the Ministry of Educ...

Karolis Broga

The Lithuanian Education Employee’s Trade Union (LŠDPS) has announced that approximately 6,000 teachers may strike in September demanding for higher pay and better working conditions.

Витаутас Будзинаускаc

Полученная в наследство квартира в Арёгале преподнесла читателю Delfi неприятный сюрприз. Счетчик "накрутил" немало электричества, придется заплатить 300 евро. Если поломку счетчика не найдут, то придется платить за независимую экспертизу.