Vytautas Gapšys EN

72 straipsnių

Vytautas Gapšys (g. 1982 m. sausio 25 d. Kėdainiuose) – Lietuvos politinis veikėjas, LR Seimo narys.

Lithuania's conservative MP Laurynas Kasčiūnas has no intentions to leave the parliament's National Security and Defence Committee after being questioned as witness in the MG Baltic corruption case, however, will stand aside from the parliamentary inquiry on possibly unlawful influence upon politica...


MG Baltic, one of the biggest business groups in Lithuania, transferred money to bank accounts of a fund and a public establishment linked with the Liberal Movement, not the party's accounts, after the party's former Vice-Chairman Gintaras Steponavičius met with MG Baltic representatives, the Prosec...


Gabrielius Landsbergis, the leader of the conservative Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats, has been testified in the political corruption investigation surrounding MG Baltic concern.