
107 straipsnių

Lithuania's national road carriers' association LINAVA is staging a protest in Vilnius on Wednesday to pay attention to the government's decision to increase the tax rate on daily allowances of posted drivers.

The Lithuanian Cabinet approved on Wednesday a new tax aimed at encouraging people to buy less polluting cars and facilitating the renewal of the country's ageing vehicle fleet, Environment Minister Kestutis Mazeika said.

After the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance joined the ruling coalition in Lithuania, more and more possibilities arise to implement the party's plans to tax assets of commercial banks, the Verslo Zinios business daily writes.

The Lithuanian prime minister has said recently that a car tax will be introduced in the country in January, 2020, but President Gitanas Nauseda sticks to the previous position that such a tax is not necessary yet since it would increase social exclusion.


There is still a lot of unanswered questions about Brexit situation after 29 March 2019. This is the official date of UK withdrawal from the European Union. While there is little time left, there is no clarity about the conditions. Emigrants and Lithuanians who have already came back to Lithuania ha...