Seimas elections

226 straipsnių

LT Daily, media brief

Kristupas Krivickas, one of the leaders of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of Naglis Putekis and Kristupas Krivickas spoke at Infodiena, claiming that despite failing to exceed the 7% vote barrier needed for his coalition to enter Seimas, he is is still happy with the election results, with the coalit...

DELFI, Mažvydas Jastramskis

Epilogue no. 2 and prologue no. 1 to the coming four years: single-mandate lottery in the second round and a coalition. Ligitas Kernagis who failed to obtain a mandate in this election once sang “Ratings, ratings, ratings everywhere, single-mandate in hand, money elsewhere”. We will not be talking a...

LT Daily, media brief

The elections haven’t even concluded yet, but the “Peasants” are already promising to work on the Labour Code. Meanwhile business representatives are critical of such plans, while political analysts are sceptical, believing that this is just a continuation of the electoral campaign.

Mažvydas Jastramskis, LT Daily, media brief

The elections have ended and we will continue to analyse the results for the next few days. Much has been said in other formats (most likely more will be), but with this entry I would like to summarise the first round of elections in the format of an awards ceremony.