
113 straipsnių

Antrą pergalę „Challenger Tour“ serijos „Kazan Kremlin Cup“ teniso turnyro Rusijoje kvalifikacijoje iškovojo ir į pagrindines vienetų varžybas pateko 23-ejų metų Laurynas Grigelis. 362-ą vietą pajėgiausių planetos tenisininkų reitinge užimantis ir kvalifikacinių vienetų varžybų favoritu buvęs Lietuv...

The Lithuania Tribune / EN.DELFI TV spoke to Linas Kojala, Analyst at the Eastern Europe Studies Center. Based on the information we have at the moment, can we say that the outcome of the Minsk agreement is a strategic victory for Russia, we asked Kojala.

The Lithuania Tribune / EN.DELFI TV spoke to Prof. Dr. Julian Lindley-French, Senior Fellow, Institute of Statecraft, Netherlands. How long Russia could last in pursuing its current policies having in mind all the sanctions imposed upon it, we asked Lindley-French.

The Lithuania Tribune / EN.DELFI TV spoke to Artemy Troitsky, Russian journalist and academic. Do you think that Russian oligarchs have enough power to remove president Putin, we asked Troitsky.

The Lithuania Tribune / EN.DELFI TV spoke to Prof. Andres Ilmar Kasekamp, The director of the Estonian Foreign Policy Institute and Professor of Baltic Politics at the University of Tartu. We asked Prof Kasekamp’s opinion about EU sanctions against Russia and some voices within the EU to soften them...

The Lithuania Tribune/EN.DELFI TV would like to present you with a key note address by Mikhail Khodorkovsky to the audience of the Snow Meeting and the Vilnius Forum of Intellectuals. The address was made on January 16.

Vladimiras Laučius

The Western countries are unable to properly respond to Russia's aggressive policies, because they are "rich enough to afford the luxury of believing that [they] can take a vacation from history, and ignore the permanent reality of human violence and conflicting, zero-sum interests," according to Ho...

The Lithuania Tribune / DELFI.LT TV spoke to Andrius Kubilius, former prime minister and leader of the Seimas Opposition, about the information war and propaganda that Lithuania is experiencing from Russia. How to persuade our Western allies that this is becoming a real problem?

Austrijos sostinėje pasibaigusio ATP serijos „Erste Bank Open“ tarptautinio vyrų teniso turnyro vienetų varžybų nugalėtoju tapo antroji raketė 27-erių škotas Andy'is Murray, sekmadienį per 2 valandas ir 41 minutę trijuose setuose – 5:7, 6:2, 7:5 – finale privertęs pasiduoti favoritu laikytą 32-ejų m...