Alexander Lukashenko

113 straipsnių


An opposition figure has been elected to the Belarusian parliament for the first time in a decade, however, the fact does not mean major changes in the country ruled by authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko, says Lithuanian political scientist Vytis Jurkonis.

Artyom Shraibman, Carnegie Moscow Center

Lukashenko’s fortunes have changed. Once known as “Europe’s last dictator,” he has won friends in Europe, while antagonizing his traditional ally, Russia. It’s a situation that has left the Kremlin in a difficult positon: should it punish Belarus for its pro-Western tendencies? Or should it continue...

Vaidas Saldžiūnas

Lithuanian and foreign military analysts have been looking into hypothetical scenarios of a hybrid war breaking out in the Baltics for some time now - most of them envisage an attack from Russia, forgetting or simply ignoring the possibility of such an attack coming from Belarus.

the Lithuania Tribune, LRT

The European Union along with Lithuania has recently softened its tone towards Belarus - often called the "last dictatorship of Europe" – and that shift in strategy has real implications for Lithuania’s approach to the construction of the country’s new nuclear power plant.

Marius Laurinavičius

Conventional wisdom dictates vision before planning. It seems neither are present in the cautious, yet steady Western reset with Belarus, whose authoritarian leader Alexander Lukashenko recently secured his fifth term in elections widely considered to be flawed, argues Marius Laurinavičius, fellow a...

David Pollick

The theatre goes on. Alexander Lukashenko will continue in his long running 'role' as president of Belarus. One cannot say 'elected,' 'endorsed' or even 'confirmed.' Not only would none of these be true, they would simply not be believable. As has been said, the only question in this piece of perfor...