In recent years, the problem of children’s concentration and attention span has become more and more relevant, and many academic studies have proven this for a fact. The issue is particularly crucial for schools, where teachers are forced to apply every possible measures how to keep students’ attent...
Great Britain
41 articles
The Latvian national airline airBaltic has announced that its top destinations from Riga in July were London, Nice and Zurich. These destinations are popular among both leisure and business travellers due to the airline’s focus on providing passengers a wide variety of travel options and flexible ti...
President Gitanas Nausėda describes Queen Elizabeth II, who passed away on Thursday, as a person of the era. The president expressed condolences to the British royal family and stated that the queen has accomplished much for both the United Kingdom and Europe.
Saviizoliacijos taisykles pažeidusiai skandalingajai „Mis Didžioji Britanija“ nugalėtojai gresia laisvės atėmimo bausmė (26)
Buvusi gražuolių konkurso „Mis Didžioji Britanija 2015/16“ nugalėtoja Zara Holland ne kartą pagarsėjo skandalingu elgesiu, tačiau šįkart, rodos, ne juokais prisivirė košės. 25-erių gražuolė pažeidė koronaviruso saviizoliacijos taisykles ir dabar jai gresia vieneri metai nelaisvės kalėjime ir iki 18 ...
In 2016, the Brexit vote came as a surprise to many nations when the United Kingdom (UK) called a referendum on whether to leave the European Union (EU). According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), 17.4 million Britons voted to leave the EU, whilst 16.1 million to remain, resulting 52 per cent to 4...
As part of preparations for cooperation with Britain after its departure from the EU, the Lithuanian government decided on Wednesday to set up the post of police attaché to the United Kingdom.
Lithuania's President Dalia Grybauskaitė says both parties in the Brexit talks between the European Union (EU) and Great Britain should move from loud rhetoric to actual deeds.
Leaders of the Baltic and the Nordic states have for the first time invited their Irish and Dutch colleagues to join the traditional meeting in Brussels ahead of the European Union (EU) summit.
Ukraine's Vice-Prime Minister Stepan Kubiv has thanked Lithuania for supporting Ukraine and "accepting it to the European family."
The volume of official emigration from Lithuania has declined – the number of declared emigrations was down by nearly 500 in May from April, Statistics Lithuania said.
Lithuania's parliament is drafting a new initiative to allow dual citizenship to the citizens of Lithuania who acquire citizenship of a country of the European Union (EU) or NATO.
JAV prezidentu išrinktasis Donaldas Trumpas pasiūlė, kad Didžioji Britanija šalies ambasadoriumi JAV paskirtų ne ką kitą, o patį Nigelą Farage‘ę. Šis teiginys socialiniame tinkle „Twitter“ kaip reikiant nustebino britus, skelbia „The Telegraph“.
Laura Gudauskienė, a female of Lithuanian origin residing in Great Britain, was attacked last week in a small town in Eastern England by a local resident because of her origin. To read this article, try a €5.99 monthly subscription by clicking here.
The issue of a credible nuclear NATO deterrent to Russia is becoming a live issue in the run-up to Warsaw summit. To read this article, try a €5.99 monthly subscription by clicking here.
Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė is currently participating in a European Council meeting at which she and other European heads of state discussed Great Britain's decision to leave the European Union. To read this article, try a €5.99 monthly subscription by clicking here.
After the British Brexit referendum on its European Union membership, Polish politicians fear that the British decision will sow more chaos, fragment Europe, and leave Poland in the margins. To read this article, try a €5.99 monthly subscription by clicking here.
By now, it has become clear that the heated confrontation in Britain over the issue of Brexit has very little to do with the actual arguments, especially among those who want the UK to leave the European Union when the country votes on the question in a referendum this week.
The murder of British MP Jo Cox may mobilize people in the UK who support the country's membership in the European Union (EU) to cast their ballots in the referendum next week, Lithuania's Ambassador to the United Kingdom Asta Skaisgirytė believes. To read this article, try a €5.99 monthly subscript...
Lithuania's Ambassador to the European Union Jovita Neliupšienė says that Great Britain's membership in the EU is important for both the European economy and its security. To read this article, try a €5.99 monthly subscription by clicking here.
British voters are hitting the polls in six weeks to decide whether their country should stay or leave the European Union. The effects of Brexit would be felt throughout the 28-country block, so the EU and countries like Lithuania should also unobtrusively contribute to the debate in Britain, Lithua...