„First, we will discuss what Ignas thinks about participation in politics. I find this interesting. Obviously, Ignas is a clear factor in upcoming elections to the Seimas if, of course, he is going to participate. I do not think it would be a disadvantage for ’the Farmers’ if Ignas cooperated with us. This would enlarge our voter base. But the decision is in his hands, not in ours,“ Karbauskis told the news agency ELTA.
According to the politician, one of the possibilities is that Vėgėlė could lead the list of candidates of the LVŽS.
„Speaking about cooperation in elections, it is possible. We have never denied it. All possibilities are open, we can discuss everything,“ said Karbauskis.
Asked what position Vėgėlė could assume, the LVŽS leader said that values would have to be discussed at first whereas positions cannot be distributed prior to elections that are yet to be won.
This week, Vėgėlė endorsed the LVŽS in elections to the European Parliament that will take place on 9 June.
Earlier, the LVŽS had endorsed Vėgėlė in the presidential race after withdrawing their own candidate, former minister of health Aurelijus Veryga.