The first batch consists of tents, blankets, chairs, tables and other necessary material as requested by Lithuania. The delivery of the second batch is scheduled for mid-August containing some 1500 sanitary packages. On top of the humanitarian aid, six Slovak police officers will very soon start protecting the border with Belarus as part of the ongoing FRONTEX operation.

During the handover ceremony, Ambassador Babčan described Lithuania as a close partner and ally for Slovakia. “Lithuania has been experiencing tough times recently with the surge in illegal migration, yet it does not walk alone. We hope for our aid and solidarity to help ease the humanitarian pressure Lithuania is unexpectedly facing today when coping with thousands of illegal migrants.”

Slovakijos humanitarinė pagalba

Slovakia has had a long-term commitment to the security and stability of the Baltic region by making substantial military contributions to the Lithuanian NATO Force Integration Unit and the Latvian NATO enhanced Forward Presence.

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