The politician vows to continue raising the matter at the Seimas Anticorruption Committee.
„Seeing questions raised in the public sphere, at the Anticorruption Commission I attempted to bring up the issue of transparency of public tenders that Foxpay had won. I proposed including this in a sitting’s agenda. However, the proposal was met by indignation of Conservatives,“ said the MP.
According to her, the Conservative party (TS-LKD) will likely oppose the probe, thus the only hope is for the VPT to open one.
Meanwhile, the Financial Crime Investigation Service (FNTT) neither confirmed nor denied to Delfi that it was carrying out an investigation as well.
The Bank of Lithuania earlier started inspecting Foxpay. The reasons behind the check that is due to end in mid-June are not disclosed to the public.
An assessment was also launched following requirements of the Law on the Protection of Objects of Importance to Ensuring National Security. The Government’s press service confirmed that it is still ongoing.
Navickas assumed a position in the Board of Foxpay in 2022. He was the company’s CEO since late 2023 until early 2024. He withdrew from the Board when the central bank started its inspection.
UAB Foxpay is owned by Ieva Trinkūnaitė. Delfi has learned that she is Navickienė sister-in-law’s sister.