– Why did you decide to come to Vilnius?

– I was looking for a university in Europe for Bachelor’s Degree studies in Digital Marketing. I went online and found a university in Vilnius – MRU. I had considered universities in Germany, Italy and Poland, but I chose to study at MRU in the end. It had a Bachelor’s Degree programme that was most suitable for me. They were also quick to answer my queries about admission and applying to the Bachelor’s Degree programme.

– What did you know about Lithuania and Vilnius before coming here?

– I come from one of the world’s largest cities – Dhaka (22-mil people). Not many people there have heard of Lithuania. I was no exception. I knew nothing about this country before coming here for studies. I decided to come here, after I discovered that it was an affordable place to live.

– You had a high-paying job in Dhaka. Wasn’t it difficult to leave not only a lucrative job, but also your wife and come to Vilnius?

– Yes, I had a good-paying job doing digital marketing for companies. I was handling the social media platforms for companies in Dhaka. I was working their Facebook, Instagram accounts. This type of work pays well in Bangladesh. For 2 company accounts you can earn 1,000 Euros a month. I was earning, at one point, 10,000 Euros and handling many thousands of these accounts. With the money I was earning, I could easily have bought an apartment in Dhaka, but alas I spent it on shopping or other items. Money comes, money goes, as the saying goes. When you are as young as I was, you don’t think of saving or putting money away.

– You have been here for almost 2 yrs. In Vilnius. What differences did you notice between Dhaka and Vilnius?

– As I said, Dhaka is a huge and densely populated city. There is so much traffic in Dhaka and so many people on the streets there. I have noticed that Vilnius is more calm and quiet. It is also green with many trees. In Dhaka, the weather is warm and very hot in the summers. There is no snow in Bangladesh. I experienced snow for the first time in Vilnius and it was a strange experience for me.

-– What do you miss, while here in Vilnius?

– The food and the wide variety of spices available in Bangladesh. There is a shortage of some spices here in Vilnius, so I brought my own such as very hot, red chili powder. I use it to flavor my chicken dishes. I also brought from Bangladesh some turmeric and garam masala spices. I like to cook, so I need to have these spices handy.

– What are your plans after graduation?

– After completing my Bachelor’s Degree studies, I plan to pursue Master’s Degree studies at MRU in Digital Marketing or a similar field. I am happy here in Vilnius. I am extremely satisfied with my studies at the University. The programmes are good. The MRU professors are good. Vilnius is a great place to live and study. I made the right choice in coming here.

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