Valdas Adamkus EN

Valdas Adamkus EN

Valdas Adamkus (born Voldemaras Adamkavičius; 3 November 1926) is a Lithuanian politician. He was the President of Lithuania from 1998 to 2003 and again from 2004 to 2009.

Presidential election forecast from former PM and G. Landsbergis advisor

Making predictions about the 2019 presidential elections today is like trying to predict the end of the seventh season of Game of Thrones just as the first...

V. Adamkus' speech on regional leadership

An Inaugural President Valdas Adamkus conference Restoring Regional Leadership took place at the Vilnius University on August 22. The Conference was...

Former president Adamkus calls for regional energy summit

Lithuania's former President Valdas Adamkus on Tuesday called for convening a meeting of the region's political leaders on energy issues.