Ūkio Bankas EN

Ūkio Bankas EN

„Ūkio bankas“ – lietuviško kapitalo bankas.

2013 m. vasario 18 d. Lietuvos banko valdyba Ūkio banką pripažino nemokiu ir visam laikui atšaukė jo veiklos licenciją.

Romanov and 12 other people suspected of squandering Ukio Bankas' assets

Vladimir Romanov, Ukio Bankas' former majority shareholder, and 12 other people are suspected of squandering over 40 million euros in assets of the...

VTEK declares that G. Landsbergis did not break the law

The Chief Official Ethics Commission (VTEK) has ruled that member of Seimas Gabrielius Landsbergis has not breached the public and private interest...

Collapsed Ūkio Bankas' owner Romanov to stand trial in absentia in Lithuania

Vladimir Romanov , the key owner of the collapsed Lithuanian bank Ūkio Bankas , currently hiding in Russia, will stand trial in absentia in Lithuania.

Lithuania notifies Russia about suspicions against Snoras' execs

Lithuanian prosecutors have notified their Russian colleagues about the suspicions brought against Raimondas Baranauskas and Vladimir Antonov , top...

Snoras' ex-managers to be tried in Lithuania in absentia

Raimundas Baranauskas and Vladimir Antonov , former managers and shareholders of Snoras , a Lithuanian bank that went bankrupt in late 2011, are planned...