Social media

21 straipsnių

Алина Прилепко

Основная сложность в работе SMM-щика заключается в незнании заказчиками того, сколько на самом деле времени и сил уходит на работу. Это непонимание влечет к тому, что они не хотят достойно оплачивать работу, полагает SMM-специалист из Калининграда Екатерина Красовская.

Statistics Lithuania has carried out a survey on the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in Lithuanian companies. It has shown that all production and services companies with 10 and more employees were using computers and broadband internet. 64.5 percent of companies were using mo...

Jurgis Vedrickas

Social media is an important aspect in the lives of millions of people, daily. It may really have an unprecedented degree of impact on life as we know it, for better or worse. The opportunities social media brings are great and numerous, but beyond grumbling about communication skills deficiencies w...