Naglis Puteikis EN

72 straipsnių

Naglis Puteikis (born 2 September 1964) is a Lithuanian politician and member of the Seimas.

Lithuania's government intends to revise the scheme of accumulating food reserves for cases of war or other emergencies. Some MPs believe that Lithuania, as a member of the European Union, is still accumulating the reserve by the principles of the Soviet Union, suggesting to change the scheme to fit...

The Lithuanian Center Party headed by MP Naglis Puteikis would cross the five-percent threshold to win parliamentary mandates, if elections were held on the nearest Sunday, shows a poll published on news portal on Monday.

Jonas Survila | Facebook post

Making predictions about the 2019 presidential elections today is like trying to predict the end of the seventh season of Game of Thrones just as the first season begins. However perhaps the competing “families” are already visible, former political advisor to MP Andrius Kubilius and the Conservativ...