January 13

71 straipsnių

Kristina Sporychina

In every country, in every nation, there are days and hours when its will, its unity and courage is tested. The destiny of the whole community is defined at these moments. Those moments reveal what each person is willing to give up for the sake of others, for the sake of freedom, for the sake of ind...

Praėjo daugiau kaip dešimtmetis nuo serialo „Friends“ („Draugai“) pabaigos. Tačiau dabar aktorių komanda - Jennifer Aniston, Mattas LeBlancas, Courteney Cox, Davidas Schwimmeris, Lisa Kudrow ir Matthew Perry – vėl susiburs specialiai televizijos laidai, kurios metu bus pagerbtas serialo režisierius ...

LT Daily, media brief

The day of the Defenders of Freedom was commemorated in Lithuania on Tuesday to honour January 13, 1991, the anniversary of the defenders of Lithuanian freedom and the victims of Soviet aggression. Bonfires were burning all around Lithuania as a reminder of the day when the country’s freedom was def...

Daiva Repečkaitė, LT Daily

“Sometimes I think, how come we weren't a least bit afraid – even for my husband, who was a Soviet army conscript at the time?” Odeta Barkauskienė, a factory worker at the time of the turbulent events of January 1991, remembers her spontaneous decision to join civil guards of a broadcasting station ...