European Commission

797 straipsnių

In two settlement decisions, the European Commission has fined five banks for taking part in two cartels in the Spot Foreign Exchange market for 11 currencies - Euro, British Pound, Japanese Yen, Swiss Franc, US, Canadian, New Zealand and Australian Dollars, and Danish, Swedish and Norwegian crowns.

As of 15 May, a new maximum price will apply for all international calls and SMS within the EU. As a result, consumers calling from their country to another EU country will pay a maximum amount of 19 cents per minute (+VAT) and 6 cents per SMS message (+VAT), informs European Commission.

Each year around 20% of food produced in the EU is lost or wasted, causing unacceptable social, environmental and economic harm. EU is committed to solving this problem and putting its food system onto a sustainable path. To be able to take effective action, we need more data on food waste than we c...

Партнерский материал, Служба инспектора журналистской этики

Каждый день в Литве фиксируется более тысячи негативных высказываний, принадлежащих языку вражды. Представители Службы инспектора по журналистской этике (далее по тексту – "СИЖЭ"), наблюдающие за такой информацией, утверждают, что в нашей стране чаще всего язык вражды проявляется по отношению к лица...