
272 straipsnių

the Lithuania Tribune, LRT

While Lithuania leads among the Baltic states in the number of doctoral students and people with degrees, a number of indicators suggest that the country's education system is in poor health, experts say. To read this article, try a €5.99 monthly subscription by clicking here.

In Lithuania, 84% of students applying to higher education institutions are accepted, but 44% of professors say that many students are poorly or very poorly prepared for higher education. To read this article, try a €5.99 monthly subscription by clicking here.

Беседовала Яна Лешкович

В последние месяцы ЕГУ снова оказался в эпицентре внимания: университет объявил о грядущей смене ректора, а Сенат потребовал немедленной отставки ректора Поллика и двух членов Управляющего совета ЕГУ: Энн Лондсдейл и Дэна Дэвидсона.

the Lithuania Tribune,

Some Lithuanian universities spend 80% of government funding on administration rather than on students - a simple reform would be to link government funding to student numbers but according to leading experts, this is just one of the areas that needs to be tackled if the country is to develop a comp...

the Lithuania Tribune, DELFI

Productivity in Lithuania compared to Western European economies remains abysmally low. One of the ways to approach the problem could be by looking into ways to extend the population's life expectancy, say international experts.

Три российских вуза — Московский государственный университет имени Ломоносова (МГУ), Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет (СПбГУ) и Московский физико-технический институт (МФТИ) — вошли в сотню самых престижных университетов мира, составленный британским журналом Times Higher Education.