Eastern Europe

178 straipsnių

Violeta Davoliūtė

Norman M. Naimark, professor at Stanford University, is one of the most authoritative experts on Central and Eastern Europe in the United States whose research interests include the region’s modern history, genocides and ethnic cleansings that happened here.

Sofia Casablanca, Eastern Europe Studies Centre

The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) is the instrument through which the European Union (EU) aims to create bonds between its Member States and the countries at the boundaries of the EU and thus secure the stability of the European borders. The EU stipulates Association Agreements offering financ...

Jakob Ljungman

Russia has long attempted a campaign of mainly non-military means in Latvia consisting of numerous strategies taking place both in the country and its surrounding areas. These campaigns must be viewed in light of the severe military escalation in the Baltic Sea and in Eastern Europe, says Swedish an...

Grigory Ioffe | Eurasia Daily Monitor

It is tempting to slip into a spiral of sensationalism when describing the concurrent trends in Belarus’s foreign relations and national aspirations, even though—if history is any guide—these trends may be reversed as abruptly as they started. So far, however, tensions have been on the rise along Be...