
366 straipsnių


На встрече глав правительств Китая и стран Центральной и Восточной Европы в Софии было решено создать в Вильнюсе центр по координации финансовых технологий в формате "16 + 1" и в 2019 году организовать конференцию по финансовым технологиям высшего уровня (fintech), сообщило Министерство финансов в в...

H.E. Mr. Shen Zhifei, Chinese ambassador to Lithuania, Corporate Client article

Recently, Dalai Lama came to Lithuania, which has aroused a lot of interest from Lithuanians in China’s Tibet. I would like to systematically tell readers the true story of Tibet, which is helpful to know the reality.


On June 2–10, seven Capital Star Art Film theaters in the Chinese capital welcomed cinema-goers to 21 screenings of Lithuanian film. They had a chance to meet a delegation of the Lithuanian film industry – representatives of the Lithuanian Film Centre and producers of the films selected to be screen...