
119 статей

LT Daily, media brief

The Lithuanian police officers’ union, the Officers‘ National Trade Union (NPPS) fear that reforms begun by Interior Minister Saulius Skvernelis may be scrapped by his successor and is threatening to use all legal means to make sure the succeeding minister will continue the reforms started by Skvern...

BNS, LRT TV naujienų tarnyba

Pirmadienį po pietų (Amerikos laiku) uždarytas Kapitolijus dėl galimos grėsmės saugumui, informavo JAV Kapitolijaus policija. Iš pradžių teigta, kad susišaudymo metu sužeista viena policijos pareigūnė, tačiau vėliau ši informacija paneigta. Jau žinoma, kad šaulys pašautas, jis nugabentas į ligoninę.

LT Daily, media brief

Police officers arrested a US military captain for driving a car while under the influence in Šiauliai. The US officer who is overseeing US military equipment at the protected Lithuanian army base in Mumaičiai was caught early Saturday morning with a 1.75 Blood Alcohol Level.

LT Daily, media brief

Police authorities have published new police guidelines for tackling alcohol dependency in the force, ordering officers not to consume alcohol up to 10 hours before service, banning them from buying alcohol in uniform, and pushing them to report officers that are drunk at work.

LT Daily

241 people were killed in traffic accidents across Lithuania last year. While the number is big for deaths that could have been avoided, it represents fewer traffic casualties in the country than in any other year since 1990, the Road Traffic Police reports.

Officers of the Anti-Terrorist Operations Unit of the Lithuanian police, Aras, are supplementing their income by working for private security companies and safeguarding ships from pirates in the Indian Ocean. Elite police officers are forced to work abroad because the Lithuanian state does not pay t...