
11 статей

the Lithuania Tribune

If you are an emigrant thinking of coming back to Lithuania or an English speaker in Lithuania looking for a new role we will be picking out some of the top jobs available in Lithuania each week for English speakers across all industries and sectors.

Zita Čepaitė

Pastaruoju metu Britanijos vyriausybė nepaliauja džiaugtis, kad bedarbių mažėja. Iš tiesų, įdarbinimo agentūros skelbia ilgus sąrašus į laisvas darbo vietas. Tad kokių darbuotojų trūksta Anglijoje, kam verta, o kam neverta čia ieškoti darbo?

Baltic News Network

Summer is not a good time to embark on searches of a permanent job, but it usually gives a good chance to eke out some extra money by getting a temp job, which upon lucky circumstances can be turned into a full-time position, labour experts say. But this summer is quite different for seasonal job se...