Coordinators from all of the European Parliament's political groups, except the eurosceptic Identity and Democracy Group, support Lithuania's commissioner-designate, Virginijus Sinkevicius, sources in the EP have said.
European People's Party
5 статей
The ongoing difficult division of EU posts reflects the growing influence of European parties, and the majority of Lithuanian politicians' weak involvement in their activity reduces Lithuania's influence on common decision-making, diplomats say.
There is a good old English term illiberal democracy that does not have a precise translation into Lithuanian. It defines the regimes that come to power through democratic means, but their representatives apparently aim at the never-ending reign trampling on the fundamental European values of democr...
Свыше двенадцати часов потребовалось вчера Европарламенту, чтобы избрать себе нового председателя.
MEP Antanas Guoga, former member of the Lithuanian Liberal Movement, has transferred to the right wing European People's Party (EPP) at the European Parliament.