Last week, the State Police in cooperation with the State Border Guard detained 32 persons on suspicion of illegal tobacco production, stopping an international organized crime network, the State Police informed LETA.
19 articles
The first foreign investor entered Lithuania in 1993. It was Philip Morris, a manufacturer of tobacco products. According to the Investors’ Forum, the company has contributed just over €2 billion to the budget over the last 10 years. The company itself claims to have invested €400 million in Lithua...
In 2023, consumption of tobacco products in Lithuania per person aged 15 and over is estimated at 1,223 cigarettes purchased in retail trade and catering enterprises (by 2.2 percent less than in 2022), said the State Data Agency.
204 new points of sale of illegal tobacco emerged in Lithuania, with their number going up by a tenth from a year earlier, the association "Lithuanian Without Shadow" says.
The Lithuanian Finance ministry proposes to raise excise duties on strong alcohol, tobacco and fuel, and expand the taxation of households’ non-commercial real estate in a move that is expected to bring an additional 61.5 million euros into the state's coffers next year.
On 31 May, it is World No Tobacco Day celebrated. During this day awareness is raised about the harmful and deadly effects of smoking and the use of tobacco products.
Lithuanian Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis said on Tuesday that the Health Ministry will have to improve its proposed package of measures to discourage smoking, adding that the government backs a ban on tobacco displays in shops, but it does not see sufficient arguments for plain cigarette packagi...
The 2017 growth of the amount of illicit tobacco products in Lithuania was the biggest over the past five years, with smuggled cigarettes accounting for nearly a fifth of the cigarette consumption level, according to an empty pack survey carried out by Nielsen.
The Lithuanian government's proposal to raise the excise duty on tobacco products next year is a result of the efforts to improve public health rather than generate more budget revenue, says Finance Minister Vilius Šapoka.
Prices for food and non-alcoholic beverages in Lithuania last year were among the lowest across the European Union (EU), figures from the EU statistical office Eurostat showed on Thursday.
Lithuania is raising excise duty on tobacco and alcohol as of March 1. The government expects the levy to bring in additional €15 million to state coffers.
On Thursday, officers of the Lithuanian State Border Guard Service detained a Polish citizen who had more than a ton of raw tobacco aboard his Peugeot Boxer minivan en route from Lithuania.
Four out of five packets of smuggled cigarettes in Lithuania come from Belarus, according to a survey of used packets conducted at the end of last year by Nielsen.
The Seimas of Lithuania has made the first step towards banning smoking in balconies of apartment buildings. On Thursday, MPs approved the relevant draft amendments to the Law on Tobacco Control.
Annual per capita consumption of legal cigarettes in Lithuania rose to 50 packs last year, from 47.4 packs in 2013, data from Statistics Lithuania shows.
Illicit cigarettes last year accounted for 28.3 percent of Lithuania's market of tobacco products, the second highest rate in Europe after Latvia's, according to the latest study by the international audit, tax and consulting company KPMG.
The Lithuanian parliament, Seimas, has passed a law prohibiting youngsters under 18 not only to consume tobacco products, but to possess them altogether.