The incumbent Lithuanian parliament has not a single member who secretly collaborated with the Soviet KGB, Teresė Birutė Burauskaitė, head of the Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania said following its research.
Teresė Birutė Burauskaitė EN
12 articles

Teresa Birutė Burauskaitė (born January 13, 1943 in Kaunas) - Lithuanian engineer, participant of the resistance to the Soviet occupation regime and researcher of that regime.
The Museum of Genocide Victims, situated in the former KGB building in Vilnius, has been renamed the Museum of Occupation and Freedom Fighters.
Only a very small number of former KGB agents who have not come forward could be working in the public service, the director of the Lithuanian Genocide and Resistance Research Centre said on Monday.
Lithuania's parliament took yet another step to rename the Genocide Museum located in the former KGB building in central Vilnius into the Museum of Occupations and Freedom Fights.
Prominent Lithuanian actor Donatas Banionis was recruited as a KGB agent during the soviet rule, the Lithuanian Genocide and Resistance Research Centre said.
It is proposed to put up special information boards at sites of mass Jewish graves in Lithuania to display both the names of those killed and as detailed information as possible about their executioners.
After years of discussions and international criticism, Lithuania's politicians, state institutions and public organizations have agreed to change the name of the Museum of Genocide Victims located in the former KGB building in Vilnius.
The Lithuanian Genocide and Resistance Center has failed since the start of this year to find a specialist who would be able to calculate the damages caused by the half-century Soviet occupation, Lietuvos Žinios daily said on Wednesday.
Latvian experts are expected to next week present an analysis of archival financial documents, proving that Lithuania was a donor of the Soviet Union rather than its dependent.
The Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania (LGGRTC) has announced that it may publish a list of individuals who had worked in police institutions during the Nazi occupation of Europe. This would amount to a list of individuals who may have contributed to the Holocaust in Lithuania, tho...