President Gitanas Nausėda warns that MP Remigijus Žemaitaitis, leader of the Nemunas Dawn party, may discredit Lithuania by his statements, which would call for changes in the ruling coalition.
Remigijus Žemaitaitis EN
50 articles
Remigijus Žemaitaitis (g. 1982 m. gegužės 30 d. Šilutėje) – Lietuvos teisininkas, politinis veikėjas.
An ad hoc commission of the Seimas has concluded that there are grounds to impeach MP Remigijus Žemaitaitis for his antisemitic statements online. Parliament is expected to consider the findings on Tuesday.
The political forces led by Lithuanian lawmaker Remigijus Zemaitaitis, former Vilnius Mayor Arturas Zuokas and former Speaker of the Seimas Arturas Paulauskas will run for parliament as a political compound called "Freedom and Justice" and under a modified musketeers' slogan.
Remigijus Zemaitaitis, the Order and Justice party's leader, has been ousted as vice-speaker of the Lithuanian parliament.
Ramunas Karbauskis, the leader of the ruling Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union, says Remigijus Zemaitaitis, the Order and Justice Party's leader, "betrayed" the ruling bloc when he backed on Tuesday an initiative to call an emergency plenary sitting to vote on Viktoras Pranckietis' removal as the ...
The board of the Order and Justice Party has decided to set up a new political party and bring in a new leader from outside.
Remigijus Zemaitaitis, leader of Lithuania's Order and Justice party, says he has already nominated a former ambassador and diplomat for the country's national defense minister, without disclosing the name.
With little time left to the municipal and direct mayoral elections, political party leaders are pondering, which city and region bastions they will hold on to and where they have chances to break through. The Social Democrats, Liberal Movement and Order and Justice Party remain modest both about in...
On Thursday, the final vote on the LRT investigation commission’s conclusions was held in Seimas. As Remigijus Žemaitaitis, who chaired the sitting, noted – this vote was unprecedented. Amendments proposed by Aušrinė Armonaitė and the conclusions‘ first article were approved, but the vote on the sec...
The Order and Justice Party is delegating its chairman Remigijus Žemaitaitis to run for Vilnius mayor. The politician himself confirmed this to Delfi on Thursday morning.
The Social Democrats and Order and Justice are the parties, which could draw the closest to the leading Conservatives and “Farmers”, political scientists tell
Remigijus Žemaitaitis, leader of Lithuania's Order and Justice party, on Thursday signed an agreement by the country's political parties on defense policy for the next decade, the government said.
Lithuanian MEP Rolandas Paksas says he's starting a new phase in his life and is establishing a new movement of "healthy patriotic forces" after leaving the Order and Justice party he co-founded.
Remigijus Žemaitaitis has been re-elected chairman of Lithuania's Order and Justice party.
Remigijus Žemaitaitis of the Order and Justice Party and Jonas Liesys of the Liberal Movement were appointed on Friday as vice-speakers of the Lithuanian parliament.
Rolandas Paksas, the former leader of Lithuania's Order and Justice party and now a MEP, say he plans to stand as a candidate in the upcoming presidential election in Lithuania next year, irrespective of any circumstances.
The Order and Justice party joined on Tuesday the ruling coalition of the Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union (LVŽS) and the Lithuanian Social Democratic Labor Party (LSDDP) in the parliament.
The Order and Justice council decided on Sunday to propose Rolandas Paksas for the post of the party's chairman at this month's congress and to nominate Lithuania's impeached former president as the party's candidate to run in next year's presidential election, MP Petras Gražulis said.