A day earlier, Prosecutor General Nida Grunskienė opened a pre-trial investigation against prosecutor Dainius Kunigėlis from Vilnius Regional Prosecutor’s Office over suspicions of abuse of office. The case is handled by the Special Investigation Service (STT). The prosecutor was suspended from duties and an official inquiry was also launched. The prosecutor submitted his resignation letter the next day.

The news website delfi.lt reported on the story that also involves a priest and sexual abuse allegations. It said that priest Kęstutis Palikša, the chancellor of Vilnius Archdiocese, had been convicted of unlawfully obtaining and possessing pornography showing minors. The footage was found when law enforcement was investigating another case, in which a teen was accused of stealing EUR 7,000 from the priest. The teen, an orphan from a foster home, testified that the priest used sexual violence against him and they had intercourse. He said this had lasted for two years and he was paid hush money. Later the youth

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